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January 25, 2024

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Featured News

Service Learning Director Shares Insights and Updates

K-12 Director of Service Learning Joy Webster, who has been a part of the Potomac community for many years as a classroom teacher, reintroduces herself to the Potomac community, given her new role. Her recent letter details her commitment to partnering with the many dedicated service learning leaders on campus to advance our school’s mission in preparing students to lead lives of purpose and to nurture habits of service. She shares opportunities for expansion and growth, in particular, applying our adaptive model of curricular connections with eager colleagues to bring the curriculum to life and find service and community engagement opportunities. Learn more about Service Learning at Potomac, grade-level foundational experiences, curricular connections, student initiatives, and leadership.

Bloom! Potomac’s 2024 Scholarship Auction Needs You!

Help us prepare for Potomac’s 2024 Scholarship Auction, Bloom!

RSVP: We invite you to register for the event – Saturday, March 2 – and get your table together or request to be seated with other parents in your child's grade. Every dollar raised supports student scholarships and faculty professional development. 

Donate wine: We need your help! We are still actively collecting wine for our wine and spirits auction. For many years, the Auction has included an excellent selection of wines and spirits from around the world. Wine aficionados, consider tapping your collection or donate a bottle from our wish list at Chain Bridge Cellars. 

Buy one or more Best-of-Live tickets for a chance to win your choice of this year's Live Auction items! The winner will be announced at the Auction on March 2.  

We look forward to seeing you on March 2. Please contact Auction Co-Chairs Kiley OhlyPriscilla Stanzel or Christine Wang with any questions.

Volunteers Needed for FAPS and PCCC MLK Day Meal Packing Event for Ukraine

The rescheduled family meal-packing event, originally scheduled on MLK Day, will now take place on Sunday, January 28, in the Fisher Family Dining Room from 12:00 to 2:00 pm. We still need 30 volunteers and encourage you to join us on Sunday to help assemble rice and bean meals to be delivered to individuals and families impacted by the crisis in Ukraine. Learn more and register

The event is sponsored by The Fathers Association of The Potomac School (FAPS) and the Parent Cultural Competence Committee (PCCC). Students from the Upper School’s Global Perspectives and Citizenship (GPAC) program will also partner on this service event.

Things to Know

It's Morton Fire Deck Season - Sign Up to Be a Fire Monitor

It's officially winter, which means it’s time for fireside classes at the Morton Fire Deck. Grades 7 and 8 Spanish classes opened the season on Monday. If you would like to observe one of these classes, we encourage you to volunteer as a fire monitor. Fire monitors tend to the fire and teach students the basics of fire safety. Day-of training is available for new volunteers. Sign up here!

Around the World Kickoff Meeting and Social

On Thursday, February 8, at 7:00 pm, we are hosting the Around the World Kick-off Social, celebrating an exciting season of fun, diversity, and unity within the Potomac Community. Light hors d’oeuvres will be provided and beverages available for purchase. Please note the new venue is at Randy’s (8051 Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA 22182).

Are you interested in hosting a booth, showcasing your talents, volunteering, or learning about one of Potomac’s signature events? Join us for the Around the World 2024 Kick-off Meeting! Meet the co-chairs and fellow Potomac friends to discover more about Around the World and how you can participate, volunteer, and engage with this exciting event. The kick-off meeting will be held in the Intermediate School Choral Room on February 21 at 8:30 am. We anticipate your presence and enthusiasm.

FAPS Ice Skating Event!

The Father’s Association of the Potomac School (FAPS) invites all Potomac students and family members to the annual fun-filled afternoon of ice skating, followed by pizza and refreshments. FAPS reserved the Capitals Ice Rink on Sunday, February 25, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm and the upper floor for lunch from 12:50 to 2:00 pm.

Don’t have skates? FAPS is covering skate rentals for all who need them. If you have your own skates, feel free to bring them. Don’t know how to skate? Fear not, as two skating instructors will be on the ice assisting those kids (or adults) still finding their skating legs. While helmets are not provided, most kids wear one, so be safe and bring that bike helmet. Register here.

An Evening with Renée Lettow Lerner '83

Parents are welcome to join our alumni for an evening with Renée Lettow Lerner, '83, author of The Jury - A Very Short Introduction, on Tuesday, February 6, at 6:30 pm, in Arundel Family Library. This fascinating discussion moderated by Dr. Paul Lettow '95 will dig into the history of juries, cover both civil and criminal juries, and analyze why jury trials have declined in English-speaking countries. If interested, you may purchase her book at the event, online, or wherever you buy your books! RSVP here.

PA Winter Spotlight: Pursuing Academic Excellence

The Parent Association Winter Spotlight will be held Wednesday, February 7, from 8:30 to 9:30 am, in the IS Choral Room. Please join us for this annual joint meeting of the Parent Association and Board of Trustees. Assistant head of school for academics, Sarah Beck, will share more about Potomac’s commitment to pursuing academic excellence, including best practices in instruction, our process for curriculum review, and continued emphasis on faculty professional development. We will also learn about Potomac's 2024-25 budget from Board Treasurer Martin Sumner and CFO/COO Dyana Conroy.

Pawz Corner

Conferences Are Coming!

Conference sign-ups open on Wednesday, January 31, at noon. Refer to sections below for division-specific information!

Week Ahead



Potomac Social


    Fun with KG friends in the snow!

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    Lower School

    Kids Heart Challenge Assembly is Tomorrow

    The P.E. Department will present the Kids Heart Challenge Assembly tomorrow from 9:30 to 10:30 am in the Spangler Center for Athletics and Community. Please join us for this action-packed K-6 event, with students showcasing their talents and displaying a variety of “heart-healthy” activities, including jump rope, hula hoops, basketball tricks, juggling, and more. Please note that all LS students, faculty, and staff are highly encouraged to wear red, comfortable clothes and sneakers tomorrow. Parents are invited to attend this event. There will be no LS Sharing Assembly tomorrow.

    Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-Ups Open Wednesday

    Beginning at noon on Wednesday, January 31, parents can sign up for a conference time with their child's homeroom teacher via the Parent Portal section of CampusNET. Signups close at noon on February 1. These conferences are an excellent opportunity to connect with your teacher if you have questions after reading your report. Most conferences will be held on Friday, February 9 (no classes for students), with a few additional times on Thursday, February 8. These conferences are a good opportunity to connect with your teacher if you have questions after reading your report. 

    Report Cards Available on Wednesday, February 7

    Lower School first semester report cards will be available via the CampusNET Parent Portal on Wednesday, February 7, at 3:00 pm. 

    Next Sharing Assembly is February 2

    Our next Sharing Assembly will be on Friday, February 2, at 11:05 am. We will feature Ms. Harper's and Ms. Malik's kindergarten class, Mr. Gustavson's and Ms. McIntire's first-grade classes, and Ms. Passano's third-grade class.

    RSVP for Lower School Family Science Event

    Join us for our LS Family Event: Science and Tech on Thursday, February 8, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm, in Ramsey Auditorium, brought to you by the Children's Science Center Lab and our LS Science and Tech faculty. Activities include Stacking Currency: Building Financial Literacy, Animal Adaptations, Finding Fossils, Monster Math, Electric Piano, and others! For planning purposes, please RSVP no later than Monday, February 5, 2024, by 4:00 pm.

    Lower School Dates

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    Middle School

    Kids Heart Challenge is Tomorrow

    The LS/MS Kids Heart Challenge is here! This event helps raise funds for the American Heart Association (AHA) while teaching our students the importance of physical fitness, cardiovascular health, and community service. Potomac has supported the AHA for more than 40 years.

    The Kids Heart Challenge will take place tomorrow, January 26, in the Spangler Center for Athletics and Community. This K-6 event will be held from 9:30 to 10:30 am. The assembly will be a chance for the students to “showcase” their talents and display a variety of “heart-healthy” activities, including jump rope, hula hoops, basketball tricks, juggling, and more.

    Last week, an information packet, including a sponsor/collection envelope, came home with the students. Thank you for helping to support the American Heart Association. Please note that all LS/MS students, faculty, and staff are highly encouraged to wear red, comfortable clothes and sneakers on this day. Parents are welcome to attend this event.

    Fourth Graders Visit Martha's Table

    As part of their Service Learning curriculum focused on homelessness, hunger, and poverty, Ms. Armstrong’s and Ms. Harter’s grade 4 classes visited the headquarters of Martha's Table in Anacostia on Tuesday. While there, students were given a tour of the facility to learn about the many ways that they support our community by providing healthy food, early childhood education and care, fitness classes, and job training and resources. See below for the list of upcoming Service Learning trips. 

    Conference Signs-Ups Open Wednesday

    Beginning at noon on Wednesday, January 31, parents can sign up for a conference time with their child's homeroom teacher via the Parent Portal section of CampusNET. These conferences are an excellent opportunity to connect with your teacher if you have questions after reading your report. The conference day is on Friday, February 9. There will be no classes for students. Drop-in childcare will be available during the time of your conference.

    Report Cards Available February 7

    Middle School semester reports will be available to parents in the parent portal section of CampusNET on Wednesday, February 7, by 3:00 pm. We encourage parents to review their child's report card in advance of their conference time. 

    Middle School on the Move for Service Learning

    The next few weeks will be busy for our students; here is a list of dates for our upcoming Service Learning field trips:

    • January 31: Ms. Armstrong's and Ms. White's fourth grade classes head to Martha's Table from 9:00 to 11:30 am
    • February 6: Mr. McNeil's and Ms. Chung's fifth grade classes head to Higher Horizons from 8:30 to 11:00 am
    • February 7: Mr. Spinosi's and Ms. McClain's fifth grade classes head to Higher Horizons from 8:30 to 11:00 am  
    Standardized Testing Coming Soon - February 12-15

    Middle School will administer five Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP) subtests during the week of February 12. Parents are asked to avoid making appointments during this week if possible.  A detailed testing schedule will be shared at a later date.   

    Snow Play

    Students who brought in snow gear this week were able to enjoy their recess outside. They enjoyed sledding down the big hill near the LS playground and making a giant snowman.

    Middle School Dates

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    Intermediate School

    Next Week: Grade 8 Parent Forum

    Grade 8 parents are invited to join the conversation during our annual Grade 8 Parent Forum on Tuesday, January 30, from 8:30 to 10:15 am, in Ramsey Auditorium.  Parent Forums are informal gatherings of parents in a particular grade. At these programs, parents have the opportunity to discuss topics and challenges that are most relevant to their children's developmental stage. 

    “Disco Night” Themed Dance Tomorrow

    The annual IS Dance will take place in the IS Commons tomorrow, January 26, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. There is no after-school study hall, so all IS students must leave campus before returning for the dance. Please ensure your child has dinner beforehand, and review the drop-off and pick-up instructions below. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jeremy Sandler

    Due to the expected increase in traffic, we ask that parents drop off and pick up their students in the bus square in front of the MS. The lot will be cleared for a rolling kiss and ride. Cones will mark a giant horseshoe to enter and depart. Please do not park and prevent other cars from accessing this drop-off or pick-up point. Stay to the right as you enter the school to continue up the main drive. Carpooling is encouraged to reduce traffic, and if you need to park, please use the LS parking lot.  

    February Conferences - Sign-Ups Open Next Week

    IS parents may log in to the Parent Portal beginning at noon on Wednesday, January 31, to sign up for a February conference with their child’s advisor. Most conferences will be held on Friday, February 9, with advisors offering a few additional dates and times. All available slots will be posted in the Parent Portal section of CampusNET. 

    Math Problem Solvers

    This week, a dedicated group of IS problem solvers took on the challenges of the Mathematical Association of America’s AMC 8 math contest, a 25-question, 40-minute, multiple-choice examination designed to promote the development of problem-solving skills. Topics included, but were not limited to, counting and probability, estimation, proportional reasoning, elementary geometry, including the Pythagorean Theorem, spatial visualization, everyday applications, and reading and interpreting graphs and tables. While this is a national competition, Potomac emphasizes participating for the joy of embracing non-routine tasks and the opportunity to challenge oneself as a problem solver. Congratulations to the participants! 

    Standardized Testing in February

    For advanced planning purposes, Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP) testing will take place during the morning on February 13, 14, and 15. If you know your child will miss school during the testing days, please contact Alex Helwink.

    Student Leaders Speak at Affinity/Alliance Groups Special Assembly

    On Monday afternoon, eighth grade student leaders and members of the IS’s affinity and alliance groups spoke at an IS assembly. Matthew Bodi, Winn Chamberlain, Sarah Cheney, Esther Choi, Ismail Karim, Alya Khan, Alex Runde, and Jenna Zee recalled memorable moments, described what their groups mean to them, and shared what their groups are looking forward to this winter and spring. In addition, the IS community learned about upcoming related events: an opt-in pizza lunch for IS students who identify as mixed-race, a new affinity group for boys interested in joining a new affinity group, and Upper School affinity groups that will join the IS groups for cross-divisional gatherings.

    Intermediate School Dates

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    Upper School

    Planning the Sophomore Year is Tonight

    Each winter, at the start of the course selection process, we offer a series of Planning the Next Year events for parents of rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors. The final session in the series is tonight. Parents of freshmen are encouraged to join Planning the Sophomore Year tonight at 6:30 pm, in the Upper School Crossroads. If you have any questions about these programs, please reach out to Tory Virchow

    Read More about Planning the Sophomore Year is Tonight
    US Meeting Reconnects Students

    After a choppy week with holidays, snow days, and delayed starts, the Upper School gathered in the Crossroads on Monday afternoon to reconnect and officially kick off the second semester. Mr. McLane welcomed everyone back with some good cheer, student leaders introduced new programs and initiatives, and our student emcees led a rollicking limbo game (Lexi Gerstel '26 was our eventual winner). As students begin a new semester, we are glad to be back to a more regular schedule, and we're excited about upcoming assemblies and schoolwide gatherings. 

    Read More about US Meeting Reconnects Students
    Winterfest is Coming

    We hope for an excellent turnout for Friday night's annual Winterfest gathering! Festivities will begin with a pizza dinner in the Leonsis Dining Commons at 5:15 pm. Then, around 6:00 pm, we will travel over to Spangler for the rest of the evening. Students will be able to enjoy our division-wide 3x3 basketball tournament, karaoke, a video game competition, fire pits and smores outside, and general good times with friends. The evening will end at 8:45 pm, with regular shuttles departing campus at 9:00 pm. As always, students must remain on campus for the duration of the afternoon if they would like to attend Winterfest. 

    Read More about Winterfest is Coming
    U.S. History Field Trip to Smithsonian

    U.S. History students participated in a field trip to visit the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture in connection with their lessons on slavery, the Civil War, and reconstruction.  Prior to the trip, students learned research methods and honed their skills on analyzing primary sources. The trip allowed students to immerse themselves in profound stories and personally observe the tangible remnants of these pivotal periods. Each student selected one particular artifact to focus on for the project, ranging from personal items of enslaved individuals to documents from the Reconstruction era. The museum visit thus served to bridge the gap between learning in the classroom while understanding the emotional and cultural realities and observing the enduring influence of this critical period in American history. 

    Read More about U.S. History Field Trip to Smithsonian
    Start of US Semester 2 and Conferences

    Best of luck to our students and teachers as they begin the second semester. Students will soon receive their first-semester grades for each of their courses. Teachers will include a comment if there has been a significant change since the November interim. Parents will be able to access grades and any accompanying comments through the Parent Portal section of CampusNET after 4:00 pm on Tuesday, January 30. Students will review their reports in advisory meetings earlier that day. Additionally, the last day to add a Semester 2 class is Monday, February 5.  

    US parents may also log in to the Parent Portal beginning at noon on Wednesday, January 31, to sign up for a February advisor-advisee-parent conference. All conferences will be held on Friday, February 9, and all available slots will be posted in the Parent Portal section of CampusNET.

    Read More about Start of US Semester 2 and Conferences
    Grade 9 History Explores World Religions

    The grade 9 history class, Early Civilization and Global Contact, completed their annual unit on major world religions with a panel featuring Potomac faculty members Shveta Khullar, Nadia Pardesi, Antonietta Pilkerton, and Sharon Stein. The panel spoke to the entire grade about what religion looks like in each of their lives and the benefits and challenges of living and working in a religiously diverse community. The panel was a great way to bring to life the work ninth graders have been doing in class over the past few weeks, and we're thankful for our faculty members who enthusiastically jumped at this opportunity to share a part of their lives with our community. 

    Read More about Grade 9 History Explores World Religions

    Upper School Dates

    US T208 Tiered Classroom


    Swimming Takes on the ISL Championship

    After a relaxing week of snow days, the Potomac Panthers girls team competed in the 2024 ISL Swimming Championship on Saturday, January 20. The team swam hard, placing 7th out of the 14 ISL teams.

    The Potomac girls have a new 200 free relay record (1:41.21) thanks to Cecelia Russell ‘27,
    Sabine Barbee ‘26, Maren Schwarz ‘25, and Kate Douglas ‘26 – way to go! In addition, Douglas broke the individual 100 freestyle record in a time of 51.39, previously held by Lauren Brandes ’06. Special shoutout to Taylor Shen ‘27 for a great effort in the 500 free and Charlotte Gabriel ‘25 in the 200 free! The Panthers took away a couple of event wins with Douglas in the 50 and 100 free. Great work, Potomac! We look forward to watching our boys compete at the MAC Championship soon.

    Girls Basketball Returns to the Court

    Our Girls Basketball team marked their return to the court after a 17-day break with a thrilling game against Holy Child on Monday, January 22. Despite trailing by 6 points at halftime, our team displayed remarkable resilience and staged an impressive comeback, ultimately securing a victory with a final score of 54-49. The team's determination and teamwork were evident in this exciting match. We are looking forward to competing in three more games this week!

    JV Squash Showcases Depth

    Coed JV squash notched a decisive 6-3 win against St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School on Tuesday, January 23. The team’s depth has been a key to its recent success. Strong play and wins from the more junior players have been especially important in helping the Panthers win matches.

    Basketball Triple Header Against Flint Hill

    Saturday's match up against rival Flint Hill will be a triple header for Potomac basketball.  On January 27, the boys JV team plays at 2:45 pm, the girls varsity team will take the court at 4:15 pm, and the boys varsity team plays at 6:00 pm. Come on out and show your Panther Pride!

    Play On! - College Night For Prospective Student-Athletes

    On Wednesday, January 31, at 6:30 pm, the College Counseling and Athletic Offices will host Play On! - College Night For Prospective Student-Athletes, featuring a panel of college coaches from multiple divisions, speaking to athletics recruiting, admissions, and playing at the next level. The event will be held in the US Tiered Classroom.

    Panelists include: 

    • Meghan Ryan Nemzer, University of Maryland, Head Women's Soccer Coach
    • Alton McKenzie, Georgetown University, Director of T&F and XC
    • Travis Beauchamp, Catholic University, Head Men's Soccer Coach
    • Bobby Picardo, Catholic University, Associate Head Coach for Baseball
    • Allison Key, American University, Director of Undergraduate Admissions
    • Marisa Brisbane, University of Maryland, Assistant Director of Compliance

    Please RSVP and contact Christopher A. Zissi or Meredith Valmon for more information.

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    After-School Activities

    Paleolithic Expressions

    The winter ETC arts and crafts class kicked off the season with paleolithic artistic expressions. Students also expressed their percussion skills using bones as drumsticks to create prehistoric music. (Pictured: budding artist at work Joe Fields ‘33, teacher’s example by Ms. Oksana Ehle, artist/percussionist Mary Grace Antosh ‘35, and art by Maeve Larrey ‘34)

    February Sports Clinics

    Sign your K-4 student up for Panther Basketball Clinics (Saturday - February 3, 10 and 24) and Girls Cubbies Lacrosse Clinics (February 2, 10 and 24) while there is still space left. Register now for skill building at its best with Coach Mays for basketball and Coach Katie McMahon-Gates for lacrosse.  

    Kids Day Out Sweet Treats & Crafts Workshop

    Whip up a sweet treat with our Valentine’s Day Treats & Crafting Workshop on Friday, February 9, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm during Parent-Teacher Conference day. Be sure to register your student for this heartwarming day of fun. Space is limited, so please sign up soon.

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