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TLC’s 2nd Annual World Music Festival

TLC’s 2nd Annual World Music Festival

The Language Center (TLC) tutors and leadership team held a celebration with music, trivia, and food as a culminating event for a busy year that included leading drop-in tutor times, one-on-one tutor requests, lunchtime conversations, IS tutor connections, and this week’s music festival! They would like to express gratitude to each tutor and their dedication to their languages. Since it is the end of April, they say goodbye to seniors: Manuela Prieto (Chinese), Alex Zhou (French/Latin), Michelle Ahn (Latin), Charlotte Castle (Latin), Laura Taylor (Latin), Ali O'Brien (Spanish), Alex Christ (Spanish), Yabby Maelaf (Spanish), Grace Lee (Spanish), Sophia Ghafouri (French), and Alex Hekmat (French).

They especially want to thank and say goodbye to their leaders Yabby, Charlotte, and Alex C.! As next school year rolls around, they will be incorporating new members. They will continue to be led by a great team of Laith Weimer ‘24, Clay Turner ‘24, and Matt Brow ‘24.